Saturday, April 20, 2019

More Than a Sunday.

Currently, I work 3 jobs; my full time job at a mixed practice, a part time/Saturday job at the other  clinic in town, and some evenings at a car dealership as a receptionist.
This usually means I work Monday-Saturday, with Sunday's off (providing there are no emergencies!).
However! This week-end, I took some time to myself and had more than a Sunday. 3 whole days!

Banjo has been doing well in his training. He's becoming more soft and responsive.
I like to start working with any new colt in a round pen, see what they know, what they're unsure of, and what they plain just don't know.
My round pen work with Banjo showed me a couple things; one, he's very flighty, and doesn't seem to have much trust for humans. Second, he is very blocked on his right side.
It took a few round pen sessions to get to this point (him walking up to me), but you can see just how much he blocks me from that side.

Riding colts sure does make me appreciate my main mount!

In the mean time, preparations are in full swing for Mesa.
We had a handful of West Nile cases last year, so first order of business will be vaccinating her. Next will be finding some time to take her into my clinic to have her freeze branded with the Diamond Lazy H brand, and remove wolf teeth (if she has any).
Only 1 week until she's an Albertan!


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