Sunday, April 28, 2019

Welcome Back, Winter!

Well, plans to travel to bring Mesa home were derailed thanks to a freak spring blizzard. The frustrating part (well, one of the frustrating parts) is that the roads in BC are beautiful.. It's just the 2 hours getting out of Alberta that would be means for a scary drive.

One of many in the ditch this morning.
Alberta is funny... beautiful one day... tragic within hours. Here was yesterday morning, vs. what I woke up too today

Featuring Jack, my Hangin' Tree Cowdog
Featuring Brenda No Teeth

Alas, we will try again next Sunday. I'll leave you with a video from the same time 2 years ago today, and what I wish I could be doing. Oh how I can’t wait for summer!

1 comment:

  1. Who needs a mounting block (me!) ?!! Nice video, complete with slow mo. Wise choice to re-schedule picking up your girl.


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