Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Small Town, Big Drama.

Mesa has been home for a few days and is settling in well with her new herd of two geldings. She is with Banjo, and a roan named Willy.
Its funny; Willy immediately claimed her as "his" mare. Won't let Banjo near her! In turn, Mesa definitely has the confidence to push Banjo around.
Her freeze brand turned out perfect! She is now repping the Diamond Lazy H brand. Can't wait until its fully healed, the white hairs that grow in will really look sharp on her dark coat.

I was hoping to spend more time with her yesterday after work, but my little town had some big problems.
I went over to my parents place to pick up Jack (my dog), but no one was home. I called my dad who is in Edmonton to see if he knew where everyone was. As I was driving down the street to head over to the dog park to see if they were there, I said to my dad "haha there is a police car blocking our street!" my dad jokingly replied "what did you do!".
5 minutes later I returned back to my parents house only to find TONS of police cars surrounding the area, the SWAT team and their tank, and a helicopter circling above.
Turns out a high speed chase from Calgary ended up in my neighborhood. The suspects crashed down my parents back alley, and broke into a house a few doors down.
What I saw driving back to my parents house.
We locked the doors and stayed put until the ordeal was finished a few hours later, when the suspect agreed to the negotiations. Luckily, the family who lives in the house he broke into were not home when he did. Lots of excitement for our small rural town! Here is the link to the news story:

Between the snow and rain the last couple of days (yay moisture!) the ground is pretty gross. So today I just spent some time with Mesa grooming her. She is a lovely, lovely mare.
Love her big beautiful eyes!

Work is busy as always, so I'll close this post with some workplace captures.

Molly (front) tagged along with her sister Bella
for moral support!
Semen testing; see the sperm just to the right of center?
Double headed sperm (head defect) looks like a heart!

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering what all the keffuffle was about!
    Sounds like Mesa is settling in well and all is well in her world! Nothing like having the boys wrapped around her hoof!


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